Call to Action: Express Your Support of Regionally Significant Transportation Improvments
TPB Seeks Input on Regionally Significant Northern Virginia Projects Including Upgraded I-395; I-66 Inside and Outside the Capital Beltway
The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is seeking public input on several regionally significant Northern Virginia projects being considered for inclusion in its 2016 update to the region’s fiscally Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP) and FY2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Plan.
The key Northern Virginia projects are:
- I-395 Express Lanes – Extends the I-95 Express Lanes 8 miles north into the I-395 corridor. Adds a third reversible HOV lane and the option for single occupant drivers to use by paying tolls, expanding capacity and improving travel, mobility and reliability throughout the corridor. Improves transit by dedicating a portion of toll revenues to add new and expanded transit services in the corridor.
- I-66 Corridor Improvements Outside the Capital Beltway –Reflects the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s Preferred Phased Alternative that reconfigures I-66 between I-495 and Route 15 in Prince William County in both directions to three general purpose lanes, with auxiliary lanes where needed, and two Express Lanes for HOV3, toll and transit; adds new high-frequency bus services; provides direct access ramps to/from the Express lanes; adds new and expanded park and ride lots; and reserves median space for future transit.
- I-66 Multi-modal Improvements Inside the Capital Beltway – Adopts the Alliance’s recommend, and Virginia General Assembly approved, approach to upgrade the corridor between the Dulles Connector Road and Ballston by
- Constructing and opening a third eastbound lane by 2020, expanding capacity and improving travel and mobility for motorists and transit users;
- Converting this segment to a peak-period, peak-direction toll facility in 2017, and to HOV-3 in 2020;
- Enhancing and expanding bus/transit service and TDM throughout the corridor;
- Improving regional connectivity while protecting Arlington neighborhood streets and making Arlington jobs more accessible to more workers throughout the region.
For more details on these and other proposed CLRP amendments, click here.
Click here to register your support and send a sample message or your own message.
Not surprisingly, obstructionist groups continue to stir up opposition to these improvements, despite the TPB’s own numbers showing this part of our region will experience the greatest growth in the coming decades.