Alliance Applauds NOVA Transportation Authority’s Unanimous Adoption of TransAction Plan
Northern Virginia Transportation Authority puts Region First
Unanimously Adopts Comprehensive TransAction Plan
After months of planning, review, and public input, the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority has unanimously adopted a new long-range transportation plan, also known as TransAction. This plan includes more than $75 billion worth of regional transportation improvements including roadways, transit, bike, pedestrian, and technology infrastructure.
“This comprehensive plan will help Northern Virginia leaders leverage additional federal, state, local, and private resources to build essential transportation improvements for our community,” said Jason Stanford, president of the Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance. “The Authority’s long-term regional approach is refreshing and should be used as a model for regional collaboration and transportation planning throughout the DC area.”
According to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ Cooperative Forecast, over the next 25 years fifty percent of the new jobs and households in the DC region are expected to come to Northern Virginia. The Authority’s TransAction plan shows how Northern Virginia can accommodate that growth by expanding the capacity of its transportation system and building the transportation infrastructure that best supports each community.
The TransAction plan was supported by the Northern Virginia Transportation Coalition, a partnership of 25 regional business and community organizations. Click here to read the Coalition’s statement of support.