Celebrate 30 Years of Transportation Progress!
Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance 30th Anniversary Celebration
June 7, 2017 — 5:00 to 7:00 P.M.
Cooley LLP
11951 Freedom Dr., 14th Floor
Reston, VA 22091
On June 7th the Alliance will celebrate 30 years of successful multi-modal transportation progress and acknowledge many of public officials, individuals and organizations that made these projects possible.
Think about it.
When the Alliance was founded in 1987 the Fairfax County Parkway, Prince William County Parkway, Dulles Greenway and Virginia Railway Express didn’t exist. The Woodrow Wilson Bridge was falling apart and Maryland’s Intercounty Connector considered a lost cause. The Dulles Corridor had no Silver Line, just a couple of general purpose lanes and the Access Road. I-66 outside the Beltway had two lanes in each direction and Route 28 near Dulles Airport only one in each direction. I-95 and I-495 lacked Express Lanes. Northern Virginia had no regional plan or transportation authority to oversee one. VDOT’s Northern Virginia District office was in Culpepper.
All of these original Alliance priorities are in place today and Northern Virginia has moved from a collection of suburban bedroom localities to a dynamic region with an economy and quality of life that are the envy of the nation.
To register, click here.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. Email David Birtwistle at davidb@nvta.org or call 703-883-1830.
The Alliance was founded in 1987 to better inform and involve the public in regional transportation projects and policies. For 30 years it has been guided by its belief that a well-informed and involved citizenry is the key to better transportation.