Author Archive
HB 1244
Referendum for tolling Interstate 66. Requires that localities in Planning District 8 that are located wholly or partially outside the Capital Beltway have voter approval by referendum before the imposition and […]
HB 1243
Interstate 66; referendum for tolling. Requires that localities in Planning District 8 that are located wholly or partially inside the Capital Beltway have voter approval by referendum before the imposition […]
HB 916
Interstate 66; prohibits imposition or collection of tolls on any component. Prohibits the imposition or collection of tolls on any component of Interstate 66 existing prior to July 1, 2016.
HB 841
Interstate 66: prohibits tolls on any component . Prohibits tolls on any component of Interstate 66 outside the Capital Beltway existing prior to July 1, 2016. The bill provides that if […]
HB 713
Interstate 66: advisory referendum on collection of tolls. Provides for an advisory referendum in each county and city in Planning District 8 on the questions of whether tolls should be imposed […]
HB 712
Interstate 66: tolls prohibited from Haymarket to Interstate 66. Prohibits the imposition or collection of any toll on Interstate 66 from Haymarket to Interstate 495 and requires the same portion […]
HB 631
Tolling on Interstate 66. Prohibits tolls on existing components of Interstate 66 east of mile marker 67.
HB 407
Interstate 66: designation of HOV lanes. Prohibits HOV-2 lanes of Interstate 66 from being converted to HOV-3 lanes or a more restrictive designation. The bill has a delayed effective date […]
HB 380
Interstate 66: tolls prohibited from Haymarket to Interstate 495. Prohibits the imposition or collection of any toll on Interstate 66 from Haymarket to Interstate 495.
HB 1
Interstate 66: tolls on existing components east of mile marker 67 prohibited . Prohibits tolls on existing components of Interstate 66 inside the Beltway