Fairfax County Parkway
Constructing and completing the Fairfax County Parkway was one of the Alliance’s original priorities. The Alliance recommends converting the Fairfax County Parkway to a limited access facility and widening to 6-8 lanes with grade separations at select intersections between the Dulles Toll Road (Route 267) and US Route 50.
Constructing and completing the Fairfax County Parkway was one of the Alliance’s original priorities. The fact that in one of the wealthiest counties in America it took nearly 30 years after planning began to complete construction of the Fairfax County Parkway (Route 286), formerly known as the Springfield Bypass, is indicative of how hard transportation progress is to achieve in this area and why persistence is so important. The 35-mile Parkway connects Route 1 in southern Fairfax County with Route 7 in the north.
The Alliance has long called for the development of a long-term Fairfax County Parkway Upgrade Master Plan.
Fairfax County recently requested the Virginia Department of Transportation to conduct a study of the entire Fairfax County Parkway to help identify and sequence the key Parkway improvements. Partial funding for preliminary engineering is being provided by the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority. Fairfax County will also provide partial funding.
At this point the next two most logical improvements include the Popes Head Road and Loisdale Road interchanges. The VDOT study should help confirm these and other needed improvements.
Recent Upgrades
Improving access from Rolling Road and northbound I-95
This upgrade will make interchange improvements at the Fairfax County Parkway and Rolling Road, and at Fairfax County Parkway and I-95, to help meet projected increases in future traffic demands. This project is a vital I-95 connector for regional population and employment growth, but also in light of recent Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission decisions which will bring 12,900 civilian and military jobs to the Engineering Proving Grounds and Fort Belvoir, located west of I-95 and east of the Fairfax County Parkway.
The improvements include:
Widen the one-lane loop ramp to two lanes from north and southbound Rolling Road to Fairfax County Parkway north.
Construct a flyover ramp from northbound I-95 to northbound Fairfax County Parkway.
Current Status
Under Construction. Click here for more information
Invest in a Better Fairfax County Parkway
If better transportation is a priority to you, your family, or your business—invest in the NVT Alliance. Your tax-deductible contribution is an investment in the quality of life of Northern Virginia.
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Transportation planning is dispersed at multiple levels (state, regional, sub-regional, and local) and further by mode of travel. No one entity or level has ultimate responsibility for planning. More about transportation planning in the DC Metro Area.