All Posts in ‘Transportation Planning Board’

Regionally Significant Long-Range Planning?

Can The Nation’s Most Congested Region Create a Regionally Significant Long-Range Plan? As the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for the Washington, DC region, the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board […]

15 Years Later

National Capital Region’s Transportation Preparedness Virginia Can’t Do it Alone Fifteen years have passed since terrorists hit the New York’s Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Governor McAuliffe issued a statement […]

Transportation Planning Blinders

The National Capital Transportation Planning Board (TPB) Long Range Plan Task Force is charged with identifying currently unfunded transportation projects of great regional significance. The Task Force has produced a […]

Regional Framework vs. Local Fabric

In November 18th testimony, the Alliance congratulated the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s Transportation Planning Board (TPB) on 50 years of contributions to regional mobility and urged them to return […]

WMATA Urges TPB to Provide Regional Funding Leadership

On October 21, 1998 the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) adopted an “action agenda’ as part of its Vision program that pledged, “By the year 2000 to adopt […]

It’s Time to Re-Evaluate the CLRP

In October 15th testimony, the Alliance urged the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s Transportation Planning Board (TPB) to re-evaluate the contents of the region’s fiscally Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP) […]

Time to Re-Define “Regionally Significant”

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is seeking public input on its draft 2014 fiscally Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP). Click here to review the full draft CLRP […]

How Our Region Invests Its Transportation Dollars

The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is seeking public comment on its draft $244 billion FY 2014-2040 fiscally Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP). The following chart shows how […]