Author Archive
95 Express Lanes Have Immediate Impact
Virginia’s 95 Express Lanes construction was an Alliance Priority to ease congestion and improve time-savings, reliability and choices for carpoolers, transit riders and single occupant users. First month use numbers […]
Coalition of Business Organizations Endorses Short List of Key Transportation Priorities
The Northern Virginia Transportation Coalition has announced the adoption of a resolution signed by twenty major business and industry organizations that urges regional transportation investments be based on five criteria […]
Upgrading I-66 Requires Bold Approach
In January 14th testimony, the Alliance urged the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) to move forward with plans to improve and upgrade I-66 outside the Beltway, stating that improving Northern Virginia’s […]
95 Express Lanes Now Open
Expanded Regional Network Reliability and Choices; NVT Alliance Discusses Impact to Region on News Channel 8 A big change took place in our region today —- the 95 Express Toll […]
Maintenance Drain Remains
State law says that transportation maintenance needs must be funded first. And from 1986 when the Highway Maintenance and Operations Fund (HMOF) was created until 2002, the HMOF contained enough […]
WMATA Urges TPB to Provide Regional Funding Leadership
On October 21, 1998 the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) adopted an “action agenda’ as part of its Vision program that pledged, “By the year 2000 to adopt […]
HB 2: Keep It Simple
In October 16th testimony, the Alliance urged the Commonwealth Transportation Board and Virginia Department of Transportation to focus predominantly on congestion reduction and economic development when rating projects in the […]
It’s Time to Re-Evaluate the CLRP
In October 15th testimony, the Alliance urged the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s Transportation Planning Board (TPB) to re-evaluate the contents of the region’s fiscally Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP) […]
Time to Re-Define “Regionally Significant”
The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is seeking public input on its draft 2014 fiscally Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP). Click here to review the full draft CLRP […]
How Our Region Invests Its Transportation Dollars
The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) is seeking public comment on its draft $244 billion FY 2014-2040 fiscally Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP). The following chart shows how […]